Obituary of Joan Bernice McIntyre
It is with a heavy heart that our mom Joan Bernice McIntyre (nee Johnson) passed away on Monday Dec 9, 2024 peacefully at the Ottawa Civic hospital at the age of 88 yrs old.
She is survived by Ronald, John, Ben, Kim, Angela and Raymond, her grandchildren Alexandre, Anika, Gabrielle, Hilda Katreena, Jared, Jemma Lou, Jhon Gil, Mathieu and Pauline Jane, great-grandaughters Aliyah, Kyrah and Mariah. She is also survived by her
sister Marion(Kim) and brother John and predeceased by her children Gilles Jr. and Diane.
We all will be missing her caring and nurturing touch. She was a selfless person who always looked after those less fortunate. We love you mom!
There will be a memorial followed by a celebration of life at the Bethel Church located at 500 Viewmount Dr. near Fisher ave. at 9am Friday, December 13.